Yesterday I wanted to find an appropriate site and describe it in honor of an Internet friend who is a Lutheran pastor and is going through some difficult family times. Atlanta Windows
Well, it wasn't easy! Good Catholic sites and great Episcopalian sites are fairly easy to find, but for some reason, really handsome Lutheran sites are few and far between. Finally, however, after much, much searching, I did find one that seems just right.
The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer is in Atlanta, Georgia. The church is particularly distinguished by its fine stained glass windows, and web-site gives quite a good virtual tour of those windows.
The Good Shepherd Window is a simple but appealing one. Others are more complex, in that they are composed of one or more "medallions." Among these are the Benedicite Windows and the Clerestory Windows.
Two other, very large windows are still more complex, each consisting of many "scenes" -- the North Side Windows and the Great Redemption Windows.
Now, here is a curious problem. If you attempt to enlarge the "thumbnails" offered on either the North Side or the Great Redemption Windows page, you will discover that they do not "work." By dint of a bit of cyber-sleuthing, however, I was able to discover the problem underlying this failure, and have been able to construct a table of links that do work.
Herewith, then, my "reconstructed" tour of these two fine windows --
Nave -- North Side Windows: Life of Christ
Presentation in the Temple
Flight into Egypt
In the Temple, Age 12
Temptation in the Wilderness
Choosing the Apostles
Raising of Lazarus
The Adulterous Woman
Healing of Blind Bartimaeus
Peter's Confession
Lament over JerusalemMain Altar -- Great Redemption Windows
Testing of Abraham
Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem
Last Supper
Garden of Gethsemani
Crown of Thorns
Appearance at Emmaus
AscensionJanuary 24, 2001