(Áilleacht, pronounced AWL-lucht, is an Irish (Gaelic) word meaning "beauty.")

One of my recent surfing discoveries has been how much sheer beauty there is on the World Wide Web. Indeed, there is so much and it is sometimes so staggering that I wonder how this fact is never mentioned in the press. The purpose of this site, then, is to introduce and describe sites that contribute to that beauty.

"The useful may be trusted to further itself, for many produce it and no one can do without it; but the beautiful must be specially encouraged, for few can present it, while yet all have need of it."
      Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

* Newest essay: Paul Revere: Portrait, Church, Silvershop

(according to subject)

Paul Revere: Portrait, Church, Silvershop

Our Buds
Introducing the World's Best WebCam

Art & Architecture (Western)
Les Trés Riches Heures
Van Gogh Gallery
Spinello Aretino (Web Gallery of Art)

Today -- On to Rome
Atlanta Windows

Art & Architecture (Non-Western)
Seeing with New Eyes

Flowers & Gardens
Gardens, Anyone?
Flowers? You asked for flowers?
Gardens -- One More Time!
Spring IS Coming -- Yes!

Western Walls and Prayers

Hidden Canyons
California Pictures

Beginning My Day
Peter Rabbit and His Creator

Western Walls and Prayers
Introducing the World's Best WebCam

Chronological Index